Rix-Ricks-Rex family trees
The family trees on this page were compiled and created in the family tree software Family Historian. Great care has been taken to source each event and person using original digital source images. These images are linked to each of the people concerned in Family Historian. The icons beneath the people boxes indicate at a glance what images have been linked to which people. For example the 41/51/61/71/81/91/01/11 icons indicate 1841-1911 census images.
Please note that the trees are a work in progress, not yet fully completed.
Many of these trees were researched, sourced, verified and compiled from scratch by Trevor Rix. Pat Rix carried out an enormous amount of research for the Rix Family Alliance mostly pre-internet which provided a good framework for some of these trees. Mary Rix computerised Pat's notes in the 1980s, which trees have since been expanded, sourced and verified by Trevor. Email Trevor Rix trevor@trevorrix.co.uk if you spot any errors or have additions, amendments or comments.
The testees in each of the groups in the 'Y-DNA Tested' section are related to each other. For example all of the testees in the Rix Norfolk 5 group above have a common genetic male line ancestor (the separate trees in each group have not been connected through traditional family history research yet though). The different groups are in no way related to each other on the direct male line. See the DNA page on this website.
The trees in the 'Y-DNA Testees Needed' section have not yet been verified by Y-DNA testing. Volunteers are needed from each tree to test, a male Rix or Ricks or Rex as appropriate. Testing will estabish which of the already identified groups that tree belongs to, or if it is a new genetically separate group.
These large pdf trees are best viewed on your monitor by zooming in then scrolling. If you are encountering problems viewing the trees using your browser's pdf viewer, download the tree to your hard drive so that you can use a better pdf viewer on your computer. If you wish to print (not recommended), adjust the page scaling options in your pdf viewer print facility to enlarge and print on the desired number of pages. The free software PDF-XChange Viewer is recommended for this purpose. Be prepared to consume lots of paper though. An alternative would be to send the pdf to a company that specialises in printing family trees on one sheet of paper (Google "family tree printers").